The objectives for which TAMA is established are:

1. To promote modern and sustainable agriculture for and by farmers.

2. To improve agricultural productivity, food security, health and nutrition.

3. To promote climate smart agriculture and agricultural extension services.

4. To promote farmers with innovations in science and technology related to community development.

5. To increase awareness, knowledge and skills to farmers on modern agriculture.

6. To improve land use management, agroforestry, environmental protection and conservation, management of sustainable resources, ecological conservation/balance.

7. To eradicate extreme poverty and hunger among adult and young men and women.

8. To enhance economy and safety nets of the marginalized farmers and disadvantaged groups such as women, widows, youth, elders, orphans and most vulnerable children.

9. To promote good governance, human rights, gender equity and equality and reproductive health education among vulnerable groups.

10. To promote income generating activities among target beneficiaries of the Association.

11. To be involved and join hands with other non Governmental Organizations, Governments and other institutions within and outside the country to fight the war against HIV/AIDS pandemic, environmental destruction, soil (land) degradation, diseases, ignorance and poverty among the people of Tanzania.